The results indicates that the multiprocess parallel arithmetic of using queue data structures in embedded system can save image capture time and improve rate of information collection. 应用实验结果表明,基于队列结构的多进程并行算法,缩短了图像信息的获取时间,提高了嵌入式系统信息采集速度。
In order to resolve file resource competition and accelerate rate in multiprocess applications of image collection and transmitting embedded system based on uClinux operating system, the image resource was described through loop queue in embedded uClinux application. 在基于uClinux的嵌入式图像采集与传输系统中,为解决嵌入式中多进程对文件资源的竞争,加快嵌入式系统的工作速度,可采用循环队列数据结构描述图像资源。